Ashutosh Gaurav

Project & Work

Our Project & Work

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard

Create a powerful admin dashboard using React, featuring dynamic styling with @emotion/react and @emotion/styled, interactive calendars with @fullcalendar/core, versatile data grids with @mui/x-data-grid, insightful data visualizations with @nivo and chart.js, state management with @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux, seamless navigation with react-router-dom, enhanced form handling with formik and yup validation, and a user-friendly sidebar with react-pro-sidebar. Elevate your project with this comprehensive tech stack for efficient development and a feature-rich admin dashboard.

Netflix Clone

Netflix Clone

Explore the world of streaming with this React project inspired by Netflix! Built using essential dependencies like @reduxjs/toolkit, axios, cra-template, firebase, react-router-dom, and styled-components, this clone integrates TMDB API to fetch and display engaging movie content, providing a seamless and dynamic user experience.

YouTube Clone

YouTube Clone

Developed a YouTube clone using React.js and React Router DOM for seamless navigation, incorporating the YouTube Data API for fetching video content. Styled with HTML and CSS to closely resemble the original platform, offering a user-friendly interface and a familiar browsing experience.



Create stunning and adaptive Coinbase websites using React and Styled Components with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to craft dynamic and visually appealing user interfaces that seamlessly adjust to various screen sizes, ensuring an exceptional user experience across devices. Explore the power of Styled Components to easily manage your styles while building responsive layouts that cater to a diverse range of devices. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this resource will empower you to design and develop modern, responsive, and stylish websites for the cryptocurrency world.